Slack GPT

AI tool main

Elevate slack experience and Improve written communication.

October 5, 2023


$ 2

Slack GPT

It is your gateway to a smarter, more efficient Slack experience. This AI-powered tool is designed to seamlessly integrate generative AI into your Slack workspace, revolutionizing the way you work, learn, and communicate.

Key Features

  1. Seamless AI Integration: Effortlessly integrate powerful language models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Anthropic’s Claude, or even create custom AI integrations tailored to your unique needs.
  2. AI-Powered Conversation Summaries: Elevate team communication with AI-generated summaries of Slack conversations. Quickly grasp the key points without sifting through lengthy threads.
  3. Writing Assistance: Improve your written communication with slack gpt writing support, ensuring your messages are clear and impactful.
  4. Einstein GPT App: Access AI-driven customer insights leveraging trusted Salesforce Customer 360 data and Data Cloud, empowering you to make informed and data-backed business decisions.
  5. Flexible Integration: Customize your AI integration with ease, using clicks, code, or a combination of both to tailor your AI experience.


Slack GPT is your indispensable tool for seamlessly integrating AI into your daily Slack routine. It’s the key to boosting productivity, improving communication, and gaining valuable data-driven insights for informed decision-making.

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