
Corrects spelling, grammar, word choice & style in 30+ languages

April 30, 2023


$ 3


Empowers users to enhance their writing through accurate grammar and spelling checks.

Highlight Features:

  1. AI-Based Grammar Checker: It utilizes advanced AI technology to provide accurate and reliable grammar checking.
  2. Wide Compatibility: It provides browser add-ons, Office plugins, desktop apps, email add-ons, and editor apps, making it accessible and convenient for users to proofread their texts on various devices and applications.
  3. Premium Features: The rephrasing tool suggests alternative phrasing options, allowing users to improve the clarity and flow of their writing.

Ideal Use:

  1. Writers and Editors: LanguageTool is an invaluable tool for writers and editors seeking to improve the quality of their texts.
  2. Businesses and Organizations: Accurate communication is vital for businesses and organizations, especially when dealing with multiple languages.
  3. Students and Professionals: It is an excellent resource for students and professionals aiming to polish their written work.


Trusted by numerous organizations, LanguageTool is a reliable and user-friendly online proofreading service that offers a wide range of features for grammar and spelling checks. With its AI-based grammar checker, wide compatibility across platforms, and premium features such as the rephrasing tool and Picky Mode,it caters to the needs of writers, businesses, students, and professionals.

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