
AI tool main

Understands visitor queries and provides real-time solutions.

September 25, 2023



It employs voice recognition technology to accurately comprehend and respond to visitor queries, offering a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Highlight Features:

  1. Real-time Solutions: Visitors receive immediate answers and guidance to help them find the information they seek, streamlining the navigation process.
  2. Site Guides: AI models within SiteGuide are trained to cater to specific websites, ensuring tailored and contextually relevant interactions.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: By assisting visitors in quickly accessing information, It significantly improves overall experience while exploring a website.
  4. Insights and Analytics: The platform provides insights by identifying content gaps on websites and analyzing user search patterns, enabling informed content optimization.

Ideal Use Cases:

  1. Customer Support: SiteGuide is ideal for providing real-time assistance to website visitors seeking help or information, ensuring swift issue resolution.
  2. Navigation Assistance: Businesses can employ it to guide visitors to the correct pages and information on their websites, simplifying the navigation process.
  3. Content Optimization: By identifying content gaps and improving the user experience, It contributes to enhancing website content quality and relevance.
  4. Lead Generation: It engages visitors and captures potential leads by delivering personalized interactions that address specific needs and queries.


SiteGuide harnesses the power of AI and voice recognition to revolutionize the way websites interact with their visitors. Through personalized assistance, real-time solutions, and insightful analytics, It ensures that users can quickly access the information they need, leading to improved satisfaction and potentially boosting sales and lead generation efforts. Elevate your website’s user experience and engagement with that today.

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