

Designed to assist students in their journey to excel in oral exams.

September 13, 2023


$ 9


It is a cutting-edge AI tool meticulously designed to assist students in their journey to excel in oral exams.

Key Features:

  1. Customized Study Sets: Create study sets that align with your education level, language, and specific subject matter.
  2. AI Assistant: Our PrepSup companion is your dedicated study partner. It quizzes you based on your personalized study set.
  3. Feedback and Improvement: Receive comprehensive feedback that identifies your strengths and areas for improvement.

Ideal Uses:

  1. Students Preparing for Oral Exams: Whether you’re in school or university, it is your reliable companion for preparing effectively.
  2. Improving Oral Communication Skills: Individuals looking to enhance their oral communication skills in a specific language.
  3. Language Learners: Language learners aiming to refine their speaking abilities can benefit from focused practice.


PrepSup is your partner in achieving oral exam success. Say goodbye to exam jitters and hello to confidence and competence with AI by your side. Start your journey towards mastery today!

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