Myth AI

Myth AI

Efficient and sustainable approach to pattern design.

May 10, 2023



It is an innovative AI-based design software that revolutionizes the world of pattern design by digitizing and streamlining the entire process.

Key Features:

AI-Driven Design Process:

It harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to accelerate the pattern design process.

Circular, Planet-Positive Model:

Sustainability is at the core of MYTH’s approach. The software embraces a circular model, aiming to minimize the environmental impact of pattern design.

Versatile Applications:

It is designed to cater to a wide range of industries and design purposes.

Focus on Design-Oriented Enterprises:

It is specifically tailored to meet the needs of design-oriented enterprises.

Use Cases:


With MYTH’s AI-powered and sustainable approach, designers in the home textile, fashion, and textile industries can streamline their design processes.

Game design:

It enables designers to create unique and eco-friendly designs for applications such as metaverse, game design, personalization/customization, NFT, packaging, wallpaper, and carpet.

Circular Models:

It revolutionizes traditional, linear design processes by embracing a circular, planet-positive model.


MYTH is an AI-based design software that empowers designers with its efficient and sustainable approach to pattern design. By digitizing and streamlining the process, it accelerates design timelines, supports eco-friendly practices, and caters to a wide range of industries.

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