
Image Creator

Enhance image creation process for artists and designers.

August 5, 2023



It is an advanced AI plugin exclusively designed for Adobe Photoshop, aiming to revolutionize the image creation process for artists and designers.

Key Features:

  1. TXT2IMG: Utilize AI models to generate images from text prompts, enabling unique and creative image creation based on textual input.
  2. IMG2IMG: ImageCreator transform existing images with the power of AI models, applying artistic effects and sophisticated transformations for innovative outputs.
  3. Fill: Employ intelligent AI algorithms to fill in missing or incomplete areas of images, facilitating restoration and enhancing old or damaged photos.

Ideal Uses:

  1. Artistic Image Generation: Cater to artists and designers who aim to create high-quality images guided by text prompts.
  2. Image Transformation: ImageCreator serves users seeking to apply distinctive artistic styles and transformations to their existing images, leveraging the power of AI models.
  3. Image Restoration: Offers a solution for restoring and enhancing old or damaged photos by utilizing the AI-powered Fill function to intelligently complete missing areas.
  4. Customized Effects: Enables the fine-tuning and customization of AI models to achieve specific artistic effects and renderings.


ImageCreator serves as an AI-powered ally for artists and designers, providing a suite of features that enhance the image creation process within Adobe Photoshop. Through its intelligent capabilities, it empowers users to create, transform, restore, and customize images in innovative ways, elevating their creative endeavors.

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