Guide AI


Create and sell audio guides for locations.

October 24, 2023


$ 5

Guide AI

It’s a valuable tool for those who want to enhance visitor experiences and reach a global audience with multilingual guides.


  1. AI-Powered Audio Guides: Allows users to create smartphone-based audio guides for various locations without the need for audio recordings.
  2. Text-to-Speech Technology: Utilizes advanced AI text-to-speech technology to generate high-quality audio guides.
  3. Multilingual Guides: Guide AI supports multiple languages, making attractions more accessible to diverse visitors.
  4. Testing Feature: Authors can test their guides on the app before publishing to ensure quality.

Ideal Uses:

  1. Audio Guide Creators: Perfect for individuals and organizations looking to create and publish audio guides for various locations.
  2. Attraction Owners: Offers attractions and destinations an opportunity to enhance visitor experiences with multilingual audio guides.
  3. Passive Income Seekers: Suitable for those interested in generating passive income from audio guide sales.


Guide.AI empowers individuals and organizations to create and sell audio guides for locations, promoting inclusivity and offering passive income opportunities. It’s a valuable tool for those who want to enhance visitor experiences and reach a global audience with multilingual guides.

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