

The Ultimate Text-to-Speech Solution for realistic voiceovers.

September 1, 2023


$ 5


AI-driven text-to-speech companion for creating realistic voiceovers effortlessly. It allows to input text, generate speech, and conveniently download audio in mp3/wav format for various purposes.

Highlight Features

  1. Diverse Voice Options: Explore a library of over 270 natural-sounding voices in various languages and dialects. Tailor your voice settings to suit your needs.
  2. Multi-Voice Editor: Craft engaging dialogues using AI voices with the multi-voice editor, adding depth to your audio projects.
  3. Long Text Support: Whether it’s a short phrase or a lengthy document, SpeechGen.io can handle texts of up to 2 million characters.
  4. Versatile Usage: Enjoy the flexibility of using our tool for commercial purposes, making it a cost-effective choice.
  5. SSML Support: Dive into advanced speech customization with SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) support.
  6. Seamless Integration: Easily integrate SpeechGen.io with your preferred editing programs for a smoother workflow.
  7. Cloud Storage: Store and share your files and audio links effortlessly through our cloud system.
  8. Dedicated Support: Our team is here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about text-to-speech technology.

Ideal Use

  1. Voiceover Creation: Ideal for creating voiceovers to enhance multimedia projects, videos, presentations, or audio content.
  2. Language Learning Aid: SpeechGen.io is perfect for language learners who want to hear text pronounced accurately in multiple languages.
  3. Podcast Production: Streamline the process of adding voice narration to podcasts or audio broadcasts.
  4. Educational Resources: Enhance educational materials such as audiobooks, e-learning modules, and interactive lessons.
  5. Narrative Content: Bring written stories, scripts, or articles to life with realistic voiceovers.
  6. AI Voice Interactions: Develop conversational AI applications with natural-sounding AI voices.
  7. Enhancing Presentations: Elevate the impact of presentations by incorporating lifelike voice commentary.


In summary, SpeechGen.io offers a suite of features to make text-to-speech conversion accessible and convenient. With its array of voices, support for long texts, versatile applications, and dedicated support, it’s a valuable resource for various audio needs.

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