

AI designed to simplify the process of creating, planning, and scheduling LinkedIn content.

May 3, 2023



It is a comprehensive platform designed to simplify the process of creating, planning, and scheduling LinkedIn content. With its AI-powered content generation tool, multi-account management capabilities, and advanced scheduling and analysis features.

Highlight Features:

  1. AI-Powered Content Generation: It’s Post Generator utilizes AI technology to assist users in creating unique and engaging content tailored to their audience.
  2. Multi-Account Management: Feedbird’s Account Handler allows users to efficiently manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from a single dashboard.
  3. Advanced Scheduling and Analysis: It provides users with advanced scheduling options to plan their LinkedIn posts in advance. Users can visualize their content calendar, schedule posts for specific dates and times, and analyze.

Use Cases:

  1. Effortless Content Creation: With Feedbird’s AI-generated posts, users can effortlessly produce captivating social media content.
  2. Streamlined Social Media Management: this AI multi-account management feature simplifies social media management across multiple LinkedIn profiles.
  3. Active and Consistent Online Presence: It empowers users to maintain an active and consistent online presence through advanced post scheduling.


Feedbird is a comprehensive platform that offers AI-powered content generation, multi-account management, and advanced scheduling and analysis features.

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