Buzz Mail


Help users to streamline their email communication.

November 4, 2023


Buzz Mail

This tool is available for free and is a valuable addition for sales and support teams, as well as Gmail users looking to streamline their email communication.

Highlight Features:

  1. AI-Powered Email Replies: It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate professional and instant replies to emails.
  2. Gmail Add-On: It operates as a Gmail add-on, seamlessly integrating with users’ email environment for efficient communication.
  3. Prompt Customer Responses: Buzz Mail provide quick and professional responses to customer queries, Buzz Mail helps increase sales.

Ideal Use:

  1. Sales and Support Teams: Sales and customer support professionals can benefit from this tool by efficiently handling customer inquiries.
  2. Gmail Users: Anyone using Gmail for email communication can enhance their productivity with instant AI-generated responses.


Buzz Mail is a Google Workspace Marketplace tool that leverages artificial intelligence to generate quick and professional email responses. It operates as a Gmail add-on, seamlessly integrating with users’ email environment to enhance productivity and customer engagement.

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