Brand AI Model

brand ai model

Generate brand consistent emails, SMS, and WhatsApp campaigns.

April 30, 2023


Brand AI Model

This innovative tool enables businesses to generate personalized marketing creatives, including emails, images, copies, and more.

Highlight Features:


It goes beyond generic marketing strategies and deeply understands the brand. It utilizes this understanding to generate personalized marketing strategies and activities.

Generate Campaigns:

With just minutes of training the Brand AI Model, marketers can generate brand-consistent emails, SMS, and WhatsApp campaigns.

Brand Consistency:

It ensures that all marketing creatives align with the brand’s identity and design language. By leveraging the AI model, businesses can maintain a consistent brand voice and aesthetic across various marketing channels, enhancing brand recognition and customer engagement.

Time and Cost Efficiency:

By automating the creative generation process, it saves valuable time for marketers. Instead of manually creating marketing materials from scratch.

Improved Customer Retargeting:

The AI model’s ability to generate personalized SMS and WhatsApp texts enables businesses to retarget their customers effectively.


Brand AI Model empowers businesses to orchestrate their marketing activities efficiently and effectively. The AI model generates brand-consistent emails, SMS, and WhatsApp texts, saving time and effort for marketers while maintaining brand consistency.

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