Zoom IQ

main ai tool
Zoom IQ empowers individuals and teams to collaborate more effectively, unlock their potential, and improve overall productivity.

July 16, 2023


Zoom IQ

It is an intelligent companion that revolutionizes collaboration and maximizes productivity by providing various tools and features to enhance communication and organization.

Key Features:

  1. Chat Thread Summarizer: It offers a summarization feature that provides users with a quick overview of chat threads.
  2. Chat Compose Assistance: With its chat compose feature, users can effortlessly find the right words for their responses.
  3. Email Content Suggestions: When following up with customers via email, It harnesses the power of generative AI to provide content suggestions for notes.

Use Cases:

  1. Collaborative Communication: Zoom IQ enhances collaborative communication by providing chat thread summaries, allowing team members to quickly grasp key points and make informed decisions.
  2. Efficient Email Follow-ups: Sales and customer support teams can leverage its email content suggestions to efficiently follow up with customers, ensuring personalized and relevant communications.
  3. Organized Meeting Agendas: With its ability to organize ideas and draft content for whiteboard sessions, it streamlines the process of creating meeting agendas, improving meeting efficiency.
  4. Time-Saving Response Drafting: By offering draft responses and rephrasing options in chat conversations, It helps users save time and respond more effectively.


Zoom IQ is a smart and versatile companion that empowers individuals and teams to collaborate more effectively, unlock their potential, and improve overall productivity in communication and organization.

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