
Enhance Playwright tests through the integration of GPT3.5 and GPT4.

November 18, 2023


$ 20


It emerges as an innovative AI tool, enhancing Playwright tests through the integration of GPT3.5 and GPT4.

Highlight Features:

  1. ai() Function Integration: Utilize plain-text instructions with the ai() function, powered by GPT3.5 and GPT4, enhancing simplicity and resilience in Playwright tests.
  2. Dynamic Action Determination: Replace CSS selectors or XPath locators with ZeroStep’s AI assistant, dynamically determining actions at runtime based on plain-text instructions.
  3. Seamless Playwright Integration: It seamlessly integrates with Playwright, ensuring the incorporation of AI without disrupting the development workflow.
  4. Resilient End-to-End Tests: Craft end-to-end tests that withstand changes, scripting complex interactions and assertions with plain-text instructions.
  5. Versatile Scripting: Script various interactions, from booking timeslots to verifying search results, using plain-text instructions for flexibility.


It revolutionizes Playwright testing by incorporating the power of GPT3.5 and GPT4.  Seamlessly integrating with Playwright, ZeroStep offers a user-friendly solution for creating robust end-to-end tests with plain-text instructions, providing a new dimension to the efficiency and adaptability of Playwright testing.

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