
voxwave ai

Send hundreds of personalized voice emails to pre-warmed leads.

April 30, 2023



With dynamic tags like {name} and {company}, you can send hundreds of personalized voice emails to pre-warmed leads, or reach out to a large database of cold leads with static voice messages.

Highlight Features:

Voice Emails:

Utilize dynamic tags to create personalized voice emails tailored to each lead, increasing engagement and response rates.

Static Voice Messages:

Reach out to a vast database of cold leads with static voice messages, delivering your pitch directly to their ears for maximum impact.

Pre-Warmed Lead Engagement:

Nurture your pre-warmed leads with personalized voice emails, leveraging their familiarity with your brand and increasing conversion rates.

Scalable Cold Lead Outreach:

With Voxwave, you can easily send voice messages to a large database of cold leads, expanding your reach and generating new opportunities.

Ideal Use:

Sales professionals

seeking to personalize their outreach and engage with leads on a deeper level.

Marketing teams

aiming to increase the effectiveness of their lead nurturing campaigns.

Business owners

and entrepreneurs looking to scale their cold lead outreach efforts and maximize their sales potential.


In a competitive business landscape, Voxwave empowers you to convert ice-cold leads into blazing-hot buyers. By leveraging personalized voice emails and static voice messages, you can effectively engage with both pre-warmed leads and cold leads, leading to more calls booked and increased sales.

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