

Language learners can engage in dynamic conversations.

October 19, 2023


$ 12


This friendly AI companion offers a platform where learners can engage in dynamic conversations, fostering an immersive language learning experience.

Key Features:

  1. Powered by ChatGPT and GPT-4: It leverages the formidable capabilities of ChatGPT and GPT-4.
  2. Wide Language Support: It stands out with its support for a remarkable 18 languages.
  3. Real-Life Conversations: The tool excels in providing users with opportunities for genuine, real-life conversations.

Ideal Uses:

  1. Beginners Eager to Start: It is an excellent choice for beginners who are just starting their language learning journey.
  2. Daily Language Practice: If you’re committed to daily language practice and want to incorporate it into your routine.
  3. Conversation Skill Improvement: Users who prioritize conversation skills can make the most of it’s real-life conversation feature.


Tutor Lily represents an innovative AI-powered solution for language learners seeking a convenient, accessible, and affordable method to practice conversations and elevate their language fluency.

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