

AI-driven virtual participants for testing products.

November 20, 2023


Synthetic Users

It streamline the testing of products, ideas, and concepts.

Highlight Features:

  1. AI-Driven Virtual Participants: AI-driven virtual participants for efficient and insightful user research.
  2. Confident Decision-Making: Claims to empower teams to make decisions with confidence, gaining unique insights into product features, blockers, and target audiences.
  3. Quick Audience Setup: Enables teams to set up and target specific audiences rapidly, obtaining meaningful feedback to refine and segment product features.
  4. Uncovering Customer Insights: Synthetic users aid in uncovering customer preferences, habits, and guiding teams toward a winning product concept for market validation.
  5. 30-Day Free Trial: Offers a 30-day free trial to allow teams to experience the benefits of that firsthand.
  6. Proprietary Persona Engine: Utilizes a proprietary synthetic personas engine backed by a large language model.

Ideal Use:

  1. Time and Budget Constraints: Ideal for teams facing time and budget constraints for user testing, offering a cost-effective and efficient alternative.
  2. Product Validation: Suited for market validation, providing deep insights into market dynamics and accelerating the achievement of product-market fit.
  3. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Designed for teams aiming to make informed and data-driven decisions in the product development process.


With features like quick audience setup, unique insights, and a free trial, Synthetic Users aims to be a valuable asset for teams navigating the challenges of user testing and product development.

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