
It is a resume builder that create personalized and professionally tailored resumes.

August 3, 2023


$ 3


It is a resume builder that revolutionizes the way job seekers create personalized and professionally tailored resumes.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Powered Resume Builder: It streamline and expedite the resume creation process, enabling users to craft their resumes efficiently.
  2. Personalized Resumes: Resumatic allows users to highlight their distinct skills and accomplishments.
  3. Customizable Layouts: With over 20 resume layouts to choose from, it offers flexibility in designing resumes that match individual preferences and styles.
  4. Keyword Targeting: It optimizes resumes by incorporating targeted keywords, improving the chances of capturing recruiter’s.

Ideal Uses:

  1. Applicants: Applicants can optimize their resumes for higher visibility and increased recruiter interest.
  2. HR Professionals: It’s AI-driven technology streamlines the resume creation and analysis process, making it a useful tool for HR professionals in candidate evaluation.
  3. Employers: Employers can efficiently review and evaluate resumes received from applicants.


Resumatic offers a cutting-edge solution for job seekers, enabling them to create impressive and tailored resumes with ease. With its AI-powered technology, customizable layouts, and expert review, it empowers users to make a standout impression on potential employers, increasing their chances of landing their dream job.

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