
Write performance reviews to increase productivity and retention.

July 23, 2023

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$ 5


It helps to write effective, structured performance reviews to increase productivity and retention.

Key Features:

  1. High-Quality Reviews: By analyzing data and utilizing natural language processing, it ensures that the reviews are accurate and impactful.
  2. Time-Saving: It saves time as writing performance reviews can be a time-consuming task for managers and HR professionals.
  3. Structured Results: Structured and well-organized performance reviews are vital for effective feedback. It excels in delivering precisely that.
  4. Improved Team Performance: By providing well-crafted and data-driven reviews, it contributes to improving team performance.


Proformis is a game-changer in the realm of performance reviews. With its AI-powered features that produce high-quality, structured results while saving valuable time, it empowers organizations to enhance team performance, boost productivity, and retain top talent.

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