Open Voice OS

Open Voice OS

AI platform that highlights the capabilities of Open Source Voice AI for various devices.

May 21, 2023


Open Voice OS

It is a powerful platform that highlights the capabilities of Open Source Voice AI for various devices. It is a community-powered Linux distribution that brings the benefits of open-source software to the world of voice-enabled technology.

Key Features:

  1. Open Source Voice AI: It harnesses the power of open-source technologies to provide voice-enabled capabilities to a wide range of devices.
  2. Community-Powered: Open Voice OS is driven by a vibrant and active community of developers, contributors, and users.
  3. Linux Distribution: It is based on Linux, a widely adopted and robust operating system. This ensures stability, security, and compatibility with a vast ecosystem of software and hardware.

Ideal Uses:

  1. DIY Voice Assistants: Open Voice OS empowers makers and DIY enthusiasts to build their own voice assistant devices.
  2. Voice-Enabled IoT Devices: With AI, developers can integrate voice recognition and control into Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
  3. Custom Voice Applications: It serves as a foundation for developing custom voice applications tailored to specific use cases. Whether it’s voice-controlled kiosks, interactive voice response systems, or voice-enabled customer service bots.


Open Voice OS is a community-powered Linux distribution that showcases the potential of Open Source Voice AI for a variety of devices. With its focus on open-source principles, it provides developers and enthusiasts with the tools, resources, and collaborative environment to explore and create voice-enabled projects.

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