Nolan AI

Nolan AI

Easily craft compelling movie scripts, no matter where you are.

May 4, 2023



It is the ultimate AI-driven script-writing software. With AI, you can easily craft compelling movie scripts, no matter where you are.


Offline Capabilities:

Work on your movie script from anywhere, even without an internet connection, thanks to AI’s offline capabilities.

Per-Row Script History:

Track every edit with ease using the per-row script history list. This feature lets you monitor changes made to each line of dialogue, stage direction, or action, making it convenient to compare different versions of your script.

Streamlined Setting Descriptions:

Nolan streamlines the process of describing interior and exterior settings in screenplays. With just one click, writers can add vivid descriptions of locations, buildings.

AI-Powered Dialogue Generation:

Enhance your screenplay’s dialogue effortlessly with AI’s advanced AI-powered dialogue generation. The AI analyzes existing dialogue and generates responses that seamlessly fit within the conversation.

Ideal Uses

For Professional Screenwriting:

Professional screenwriters can benefit from Nolan’s efficiency in script development, allowing them to concentrate on the creative aspects of their work.

For Aspiring Writers:

Aspiring writers, including beginners, can use AI as a tool to learn script writing in a user-friendly environment, honing their skills without facing unnecessary complexities.


Nolan is the ultimate AI-driven script-writing software that empowers screenwriters to craft compelling movie scripts effortlessly. Its offline capabilities, per-row script history, streamlined setting descriptions, and AI-powered dialogue generation provide a seamless and efficient writing experience.

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