

Personal Al assistant for effortless chatting and copywriting.

April 30, 2023


$ 6


The AI-powered chat assistant that offers a range of services, including chat support and copywriting assistance.

Highlight Features:

  1. ChatGPT API: Engage in conversations, leveraging the power of AI to get instant support and insights on various topics.
  2. Copywriting Templates: Access over 80 pre-designed templates to effortlessly create engaging copy for any web page, saving time and ensuring effective communication.
  3. Text Assistance: Select and interact with text on web pages, allowing it to explain, translate, or rephrase it as per your requirements.
  4. Chrome Extension: Seamlessly integrate it into your browsing experience with the Chrome extension, enabling quick access to her services on any website.

Ideal Use:

  1. Content Creators: Tap into Monica’s AI-powered assistance to enhance your copywriting tasks, generating compelling content with ease.
  2. Professionals: Boost your productivity and save time with it’s chat support, getting immediate answers and guidance for various inquiries.
  3. Language Learners: Leverage it’s translation and rephrasing capabilities to enhance your language learning journey and improve your understanding of texts.


Monica is an invaluable tool for those seeking AI-powered chat support and copywriting assistance. With the ability to engage in conversations using the ChatGPT API and access a vast library of copywriting templates, it simplifies and streamlines various tasks. Additionally, her text assistance feature and convenient Chrome extension make her services easily accessible while browsing the web.

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