
AI designed to enhance the capabilities of your object store, such as S3.

May 24, 2023


$ 20


It is an innovative intelligence layer designed to enhance the capabilities of your object store, such as S3.


  1. Enhanced File Analysis: With AI, you can go beyond traditional file analysis methods and gain a deeper understanding of your non-text files.
  2. Seamless Integration: Mixpeek’s easy setup and integration process facilitate a smooth adoption within your existing object store environment.
  3. Efficient Retrieval of Insights: The GET /search API call simplifies the retrieval of file insights from AI. By leveraging this API call, you can efficiently obtain valuable information about your non-text files.

Use Cases:

  1. Content Moderation and Compliance: Mixpeek’s NLP-based file understanding can assist in content moderation and compliance tasks.
  2. Visual or Audio Data Analysis: I tenables deeper analysis of visual or audio data. For example, you can identify objects within images, detect emotions in audio recordings, or recognize specific patterns or features in video files.
  3. Data Management and Organization: It’s understanding of non-text files can aid in data management and organization efforts.


Mixpeek is an intelligence layer that leverages NLP to provide an “understanding” of non-text files stored in your object store. With its GET /search API call and easy setup process.

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