
infomail ai

Comprehensive email marketing and newsletter platform.

April 28, 2023


$ 23


The comprehensive email marketing and newsletter platform tailored for businesses, startups, and nonprofits.

Highlight Features:

Personalized Campaigns:

Engage your customers on a personal level with it’s GDPR-compliant email marketing capabilities. Craft customized messages and deliver targeted content to build stronger relationships and drive conversions.

Secure and Reliable:

With Infomail, data privacy and protection are of utmost importance. Powered by Cookiebot, the platform ensures that your customer data is secure, providing peace of mind for both you and your subscribers.


Enhance user experience and streamline your workflow by seamlessly connecting with various third-party tools. From CRM platforms to analytics software, it’s integrations enable you to leverage existing systems and optimize your email marketing strategy.

Teriyaki AI Smart Editor:

It’s Teriyaki AI smart editor simplifies the process of creating targeted and engaging emails. With intuitive features and templates, you can quickly design professional-looking emails that capture your audience’s attention.

Transactional Email Services:

It goes beyond traditional email marketing by offering transactional email services. Send automated emails triggered by specific user actions, such as purchases, account creations, or password resets, to deliver timely and relevant information to your customers.

Ideal Use:

Businesses and Startups:

Infomail provides businesses and startups with the tools to connect with their customers on a deeper level. By leveraging personalized email campaigns, businesses can nurture leads, drive sales, and build brand loyalty.


Nonprofits can utilize it to effectively communicate with their audience and supporters. Engaging newsletters, event updates, and donation appeals can be delivered seamlessly, helping nonprofits maintain a strong connection with their community.

Marketing Professionals:

Equips marketing professionals with detailed analytics and reports to inform their strategy. Gain insights into email performance, subscriber engagement, and conversion rates, enabling data-driven decision-making and continuous optimization.


Infomail is a robust email marketing and newsletter platform designed to meet the needs of businesses, startups, and nonprofits. With features like personalized campaigns, secure data management, integrations, Teriyaki AI smart editor, and transactional email services, empowers organizations to drive engagement, build relationships, and achieve their email marketing goals.

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