Hire Hoc

Hire Hoc

Hiring tool that revolutionizes the recruitment workflow.

September 26, 2023


$ 5

Hire Hoc

It is an advanced AI-powered hiring tool that revolutionizes the recruitment workflow, offering a range of features to streamline the process.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Based Skills Extraction: It leverages AI to automatically identify and extract the crucial skills and qualifications.
  2. Job Description Generator: Offers a job description generator that suggests relevant and impactful content.
  3. Interview Question Generator: It generates a pool of interview questions based on the identified skills.

Ideal Uses:

  1. Recruitment Process Optimization: Hire Hoc streamlines the recruitment process by automating repetitive tasks.
  2. Improved Quality of Hire: By accurately identifying required skills and generating tailored interview questions.
  3. Cost Reduction: The automation and efficiency offered by AI result in reduced time and costs associated with the hiring process.


Developed by White Lambda Pvt Ltd, Hire Hoc represents a powerful AI-driven tool that brings automation, intelligence, and scalability to the recruitment process, benefiting businesses seeking to enhance their hiring workflows and outcomes.

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