Eventual AI

Refining business requirements using natural language processing.

October 26, 2023



The tool is well-suited for businesses looking to increase efficiency, iterate rapidly, and adapt to evolving requirements while delivering solutions to the cloud.


  1. Declarative Approach: Offers a declarative approach to refining business requirements using natural language processing.
  2. High-Level Discussion: Users, including business leaders and engineers, can engage in high-level discussions of their business domains.
  3. Solution Proposals: The tool leverages AI to propose solutions while considering business goals, tenets, and policies.
  4. Code Generation: EventualAi generates code to implement the service based on user-defined requirements.

Ideal Uses:

  1. Requirements Exploration: It is ideal for businesses looking to explore and refine their requirements by engaging with the tool in a natural language-driven manner.
  2. Business Leaders and Engineers: Business leaders and engineers can use it to collaboratively work backwards from problems.
  3. Efficient Solution Development: It offers a streamlined approach that leverages AI to propose solutions.


EventualAi is an innovative AI-powered tool that simplifies the process of exploring, defining, and implementing business requirements. It enables users, including business leaders and engineers, to work collaboratively using natural language processing to refine their use-cases.

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