

Easy creation of patent applications.

November 18, 2023



It offers a chat-based patent drafting tool that leverages artificial intelligence to facilitate the quick and easy creation of patent applications.

Key Features:

Novelty Checking:

The platform’s AI-based novelty checking feature enables a rapid prior art search, providing users with valuable insights into the uniqueness of their invention in just minutes.

Free Public Beta Version:

The public beta version of Chekable is free to use, allowing users to experience its features without financial commitment.

Ideal Use:

For Marketplace for Legal Services:

Collaborate with legal service marketplaces to list AI as a specialized tool for patent drafting and analysis, connecting users with AI-powered patent services.

For Invention and Patent Insurance Platforms:

Partner with patent insurance providers to offer Chekable as a tool for inventors to assess the originality of their ideas and strengthen their insurance claims.

For Tech and Startup Communities:

Engage with tech and startup communities to promote AI as a valuable resource for patent-related tasks, fostering awareness and adoption within the innovation ecosystem.


Chekable stands as a pioneering platform, leveraging AI to transform traditional patent processes. From AI-powered patent drafting to rapid novelty checking and competitor analysis, it offers a comprehensive suite of features. The free public beta version allows users to explore its capabilities, and the upcoming features promise to further enhance its utility for entrepreneurs.

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