Census GPT

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Analyze nation-wide public data related to demographics

July 25, 2023


Census GPT

Access and analyze nation-wide public data related to demographics through natural language queries.

Highlight Features and Advantages:

  1. Natural Language Queries: It allows users to ask questions in plain English, eliminating the need for complex query languages and enabling easy access to demographic data.
  2. Access to Public Data: The tool provides users with a vast collection of public data related to USA demographics, ensuring a comprehensive and reliable source for research and analysis.
  3. TextSQL Integration: It is built with textSQL, a powerful and intuitive tool for querying text-based datasets.

Use Cases:

  1. Demographic Research: Researchers can leverage Census GPT to swiftly access and analyze demographic data related to the USA.
  2. Policy Analysis: Policymakers can utilize it to gather reliable demographic data, aiding in evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation.
  3. Community Engagement: By encouraging transparency and accessibility, the tool empowers community members to stay informed and participate in meaningful discussions.


It is a transformative tool that opens up a world of demographic data through natural language queries. Its user-friendly interface, textSQL integration, and access to public data make it an indispensable asset for researchers, policymakers, and community members alike. Discover the power of natural language queries with Census GPT and unlock valuable insights to drive positive change and growth.

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