

A cost-effective and efficient audiobook creation.

October 23, 2023


$ 18


Conveniently upload text files, select a narrator’s voice, and fine-tune their audiobook creation, resulting in a high-quality, customized audiobook experience.

Key Features:

  1. Natural-Sounding Narration: It utilizes advanced AI technology to provide audiobooks with narration that sounds natural.
  2. Diverse Voice Selection: The platform offers a range of voices to choose from, allowing users to select a narrator that best suits their audiobook content.
  3. Cost-Effective Solution: Audie.AI eliminates the need to hire human narrators, saving users both time and significant expenses.
  4. Market Growth Opportunity: With 20% of book sales occurring in audiobook format and a growing market.

Ideal Use:

  1. Audiobook Creation: Audie.AI is an ideal tool for authors, content creators, and publishers looking to convert their written content into engaging audiobooks.
  2. Cost and Time Savings: The platform is perfect for individuals and organizations seeking to save time.
  3. Market Expansion: As audiobooks continue to grow in popularity, it provides an opportunity to tap into this expanding market.


Audie.AI offers a feature-rich platform for cost-effective and efficient audiobook creation, making it an attractive option for those seeking to embrace the growing demand for audiobooks and deliver high-quality content to a diverse audience.

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