

Conduct image-based searches and selecting assets that align with their creative vision.

October 24, 2023

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An AI-powered solution dedicated to enhancing the process of sourcing visual assets from various 3D stock platforms.

Highlight Features:

  1. Diverse Search Methods: Users can upload, paste, or browse images, providing flexible options for initiating their asset search conveniently.
  2. AI-Powered Visual Matching: Utilizes artificial intelligence to identify assets that closely match the visual characteristics of the provided image, ensuring compatibility with intended styleframes.
  3. Integration with Leading 3D Stock Platforms: Seamlessly connects with renowned 3D stock platforms such as,, CGTrader, and Quixel’s Megascans, offering a wide range of high-quality assets.

Ideal Use:

  1. Efficient Asset Scouting: Asseter is ideal for creators, designers, and 3D artists seeking a streamlined process for discovering visual assets that align with specific project requirements across multiple platforms.
  2. Styleframe Assembly: Beneficial for users aiming to create visually cohesive styleframes by efficiently and precisely selecting assets with the help of AI-powered matching capabilities.


Assets Scout by is a valuable addition to the creative toolkit of designers, creators, and 3D artists. By harnessing the potential of AI, this tool simplifies asset scouting by enabling image-based searches and matching users with visually similar resources.

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