

Automatching products across diverse e-commerce platforms.

November 20, 2023


$ 19


Seamlessly integrate web scraping and machine learning to facilitate the comparison and matching of products across various e-commerce websites.

Highlight Features:

  1. Market Research and Competition Analysis: Specifically designed to cater to market research needs, competition analysis, and automated pricing intelligence.
  2. Data Extraction and Matching: Enables users to extract and match data effortlessly, saving time and effort by utilizing a unified provider.
  3. Scalability: Excels in scalability, efficiently handling comparisons of 1,000 or 1 million product pairs, providing flexibility for projects of varying sizes.
  4. Speed: Offers quick mapping of new categories within a day, ensuring swift access to updated data without the need for extensive adjustments or learning periods.

Ideal Use:

  1. Market Analysis: Apify is ideal for in-depth market research, providing valuable insights into product landscapes and trends.
  2. Competition Analysis: Suited for comprehensive competition analysis, aiding businesses in understanding market dynamics.
  3. Pricing Intelligence: Beneficial for automated pricing intelligence, enabling businesses to stay competitive and informed.


With its blend of web scraping and machine learning, this tool not only ensures efficiency and accuracy but also offers valuable insights for market analysis and pricing intelligence, making it a valuable asset for businesses navigating the dynamic e-commerce landscape.

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