

Airgram is designed to streamline meeting workflows and enhance productivity.

June 15, 2023


$ 9


Specifically designed to streamline meeting workflows and enhance productivity.

  1. Compatibility: Airgram seamlessly integrates with popular video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.
  2. Collaborative agenda: Users can develop and share meeting agendas in advance.
  3. Integrated rich-text editor: Provides a rich-text editor that enables users to take notes, add text, create bullet lists, insert images, and more.
  4. Action items: With Airgram, assigning tasks and action items with due dates becomes effortless.
  5. Recording and transcription: It offers high-quality audio and video transcription capabilities in eight languages.


  1. Remote teams: It proves invaluable for remote teams seeking to enhance collaboration and communication during meetings.
  2. Project managers: Airgram assists project managers in efficiently tracking action items and follow-ups.
  3. Businesses: It helps streamline internal and client calls for businesses by providing a seamless meeting management solution.


Airgram offers a comprehensive solution for enhancing meeting productivity and collaboration. Its compatibility with popular video conferencing platforms, collaborative agenda feature, integrated rich-text editor, action item tracking, and recording and transcription capabilities make it an indispensable tool for teams and professionals seeking to optimize their meeting experiences.

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