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AIKit empowers writers to produce high-quality content efficiently and revolutionizes the way writing is approached in the digital age.

July 15, 2023


$ 49


Built on the powerful GPT-3 model, it aims to be a valuable companion for writers, offering efficient assistance and inspiration to boost their productivity and generate content more effectively.

Highlight Features:

  1. GPT-3 Integration: It leverages the advanced capabilities of the GPT-3 model, one of the most powerful language models developed to date.
  2. Topic Ideas: With its assistance, writers receive topic suggestions related to their chosen subject. These suggestions inspire creativity and help writers overcome creative blocks, ensuring a continuous flow of fresh ideas.
  3. Paragraph Generation: It empowers writers to leverage AI for generating complete and contextually relevant paragraphs.
  4. Writer’s Block Solution: For writers struggling with writer’s block, it acts as a reliable solution, providing AI-powered assistance and inspiration.
  5. Productivity Boost: By tapping into the power of AI, AIKit enables writers to create content up to 10 times faster.

Use Cases:

  1. Writers Overcoming Writer’s Block: It serves as a valuable aid for writers looking to overcome writer’s block and maintain a consistent creative flow.
  2. Content Creators and Bloggers: Content creators and bloggers benefit from it’s support in generating topic ideas and complete paragraphs.
  3. WordPress Users Enhancing Writing Process: For WordPress users, it becomes an indispensable tool to enhance the writing process with AI-powered assistance.


AIKit emerges as a powerful AI Assistant for writers, offering indispensable support to boost productivity and creativity. With GPT-3 integration, topic suggestions, and paragraph generation, it significantly enhances the content creation process for writers, bloggers, and WordPress users alike.

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